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January 16, 2001 - MUSKEGON,
MI -
DejaNET Communications today received an email promoting what is known
as the Budweiser Frogs Screensaver Hoax. An exact copy of the letter
is shown in full below:
Someone is sending out a
If you receive a copy of this in your email, DELETE IT and DO NOT PASS IT ON! Once again, you'll notice that two big name companies are named in the email and the phrase "Please share it with everyone" is seen in the text of the email - these are your clues that this is a hoax. Neither Microsoft nor AOL conduct any kind of virus research on viruses. This one has been flaoting around the Internet since 1997. Once again, keep your antivirus definitons up to date and only download files from the original sources. You may also visit the following links for more detailed info on this hoax: http://service1.symantec.com/sarc/sarc.nsf/html/budsaver.exe.html http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HBMalCode.shtml#budfrogs http://antivirus.about.com/compute/antivirus/library/hoaxes/blenbud.htm |