Any unsolicited commercial
email, unsolicited email, or bulk email sent to any DejaNET hosted address
WILL BE reported as SPAM to the originating ISP, as well as any possible
OPEN RELAYS and RELATED LINKS used to motivate such SPAM which will result
in the disabling of the offending sender's account as well as any open
relays on the behalf of any DejaNET Customer whom requests our reporting
services or by whom any DejaNET Support Team Member who chooses to report
a violator of this passage in regards to any SPAM recieved by outside senders
to any DejaNET address. DejaNET completely frowns upon any form of
SPAM received or sent by any user of our services - either past or present,
whether it is UCE, UE, or bulk email - simply put, if its unsolicited,
it is SPAM. If you do not personally know the recipient of your email
or if you do not have the express written permission of your recipient
on file (and are able to prove this in writing upon our instant demand)
- then do not email a current or past DejaNET Customer. Violators
will be reported to the proper authorities as well as a possible public
lawsuit brought forth against you under current California Laws due to
the fact that the main DejaNET Mail Servers are located and hosted in the
State of California, USA. Violators of this law are also subject
to $50.00 per message up to a maximum of $25,000 per day as well as court
costs under the current California Business & Professions Code §17538.45.